What would happen if the European girls who work as escorts in the London area went back to Europe?
As an escorts agency owner, I am really worried about what will happen if the UK votes for a Brexit. Many of the girls here at https://www.cityofeve.org/ come from places like Poland, and many of them are my top girls. To be honest, I think that I would lose a lot of my business if the UK left the European Union. It worries me a lot and I am not sure what to tell my girls.
I am not the only person to worry about this. Yes, if the girls would have to go back, it would hit London Escorts hard, but it would also hit a lot of other related adult entertainment enterprises in London. I am not so sure what Peter Stringfellow would say if the girls in his clubs went back to places like Poland and Hungary. I think that would be a disaster for him as well. When I have visited his clubs recently, I am sure that a lot of the girls have been from within the EU.
We also have a lot of girls who work as adult models or glamour models in the UK. Many homebred girls are not into that any more. The days of Linda Lusardi are gone and many of the girls come from places within the EU. Some of the girls who have worked as models have moved onto companies like London escorts so I am very well aware what is going on within the business. Losing all of this would mean that future escorts would have to be recruited from inside the UK.
Speaking to English girls, I am not sure that any of them really want to work within the glamor industry or adult entertainment industry. It is not going to be easy for a lot of escorts services to survive and London escorts is one of the agencies that could be affected. It would be nice if English girls were a bit more open minded about these things but I don’t think that is going to happen any time soon. When I was younger , it was into be an escort for English girls but we seemed to have moved away from that now altogether.
A Brexit would certainly not be any good for London escorts, so I am voting to stay in. I wish that Nigel Farage would think twice about what he is saying. Many UK businesses like mine are highly dependant on foreign workers. I am not sure that he actually appreciate that. Are politicians in touch with what is happening in the country? Many times I don’t think that they are at all and that is really dangerous. I can see myself pulling up beets and potatoes in Norfolk when all of the immigrants have gone back to Poland. It will set us back years and I am not so sure that it would be right for the country at all.